Won't that just target the first (second if zero-based, I forget) table in the doc?
That's fine if you'll always want to target the first table. But a more robust solution would tag the table uniquely within the template. When I did something like this I think I used a combination of field codes and plain text identifiers e.g [DISCLAIMER_GOES_HERE], the latter more obvious to non-savvy Word users.
It does, but ActiveDocument.Tables(2).Select selects the second one and so on.
There seemed to be a solution, probably what you're referring to, where you could bookmark tables and use those references but this was fine for what I needed.
Won't that just target the first (second if zero-based, I forget) table in the doc?
That's fine if you'll always want to target the first table. But a more robust solution would tag the table uniquely within the template. When I did something like this I think I used a combination of field codes and plain text identifiers e.g [DISCLAIMER_GOES_HERE], the latter more obvious to non-savvy Word users.