I can't actually remember :)
Nah, I think it was the Beast from the East helper ride, my first 600. I got half way, went to load the next file in the series and it wasn't there. I had a backup 810 unit (you can read all about that piece of shit in the Garmin thread) which thankfully had all the files.
I did some tests and found it would randomly lose files if you copied a set to it. I'd have to copy the files, unplug it, check which ones were on it, plug it back in and copy the ones it had missed, then recheck the files.
You going for LEJOG this year?
I'd recommend a 1000 if you're going to use Garmins.
Double check when you copy multiple files to the 800. It has a habit of disappearing them.
Ask me which 600k I found out about that little issue on...