True. I think they are high frame building art granted rather than functional. I think all these carbon fibre and cervelo's are a bit soulless, but in terms of pulling in a good time I understand the direction it's taken. I just bought mine for fitness and messing about on the odd dual carriageway, apart from being a beautiful thing. I tried time trialling but my sense of direction was woeful and the mate I used to go with took it all too seriously in a Jon McEnroe tantrum style, so it kind of spoiled it.
Nice Lloydy.... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/DAVE-LLOYD-REYNOLDS-753-LOPRO-TIMETRIAL-BIKE-700-650/323018626332?hash=item4b3569151c:g:NIgAAOSwMEtaZHue&autorefresh=true
54cm £695 or offers.
That's a nice thing.