It wasn't started by Rapha it was started by Ellen Noble, originally as a joke but then she realised it had a serious message.
“I started #bunnyhopthepatriarchy kind of as a joke and I never in a
million years expected it to catch on to the degree that it has. But
there is definitely some truth to it in the fact that people always
assumed that women can’t bunny hop. And I wanted to show that it’s not
a gendered skill,” said Noble.
“Anytime people think there’s something women can’t do in a
patriarchal society, I want to show them, ‘No, we’re going to do it
and we’re going to kick ass while doing it’.”
Yeah I just saw the email actually (had only seen it on Instagram before) and you would think it was a Rapha thing the way it's presented. I don't really want to get into critiquing the actual hashtag though because I'm not a woman and there be dragons ;)
It wasn't started by Rapha it was started by Ellen Noble, originally as a joke but then she realised it had a serious message.