• #89127
Exactly like that?
It is da intetwebz afterall... -
• #89128
Tesco fruit/veg crates work really well and are stackable if you need.
Just sayin'... -
• #89129
Sorry just stumbled upon this - I don’t seem to get alerts when I’ve been paged.
The shop is about 50 steps from Premier Inn, we open at 8.00am. Have I missed you?
• #89130
You have not! Probably drive up on the morning of the 12th so will miss you before we start shooting but definitely game for a brew on the 13th and 14th. 8am and 50 yrds from hotel sounds ideal.
• #89131
Nice one!
• #89132
Where/how do you get ahold of one? Get a delivery and "forget" to give it back? Nick one from the shop? Look round the back for ones they've dumped?
• #89133
Offering from Tiger on Tottenham court road
![](https://i.imgur.com/B8UGxuF.jpg) large enough to fit a couple more essentials in there too
• #89134
I don't live in London unfortunately.
• #89135
Its great, just about big enough to hold my wallet. might be able to carry my phone and keys too but dont want to push my luck
• #89136
I had no idea what you were on about until I realised the arrow meant it was a drop-down. I've never seen anything formatted like that on here before...
Excuse my pink screen
1 Attachment
• #89137
How do you format an arrow to reveal / hide an image?
• #89138
• #89139
And blood sacrifice -
• #89140
I stole it from the television thread
• #89141
I don't get the arrow next to it, weird
clicking on text to reveal spoiler works though. -
• #89142
Spoiler arrows are the new...
- Lists
- Of stuff
- Lists
• #89143
Can't work out how you're doing that. It's not even mentioned in the documentation https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax
• #89144
Check the **spoiler** thread
Television -
• #89145
Or just do this
<details> <summary>Spoiler topic</summary> Spoiler text </details>
• #89146
This is just like
What was that film called?
Weekend at Bernies -
• #89147
Yo dawg
I heard you like unusual code
so I put some unusual code in your unusual code
so you could something something while you something
![](https://imgflip.com/s/meme/Serious-Xzibit.jpg) -
• #89148
• #89149
Anyone know of a way to obtain 1 day temp parking permits quickly?
A broken boiler and new parking regulations are driving me nuts!
Tried friends and neighbours to no avail.
• #89150
Looks like I might have won an electric height adjustable desk but it is in Sunderland and collection only. What is the best, cheapest way I could get it down here? The seller isn't about breaking it down or anything like that- he just wants rid.