• Good call. The room i’m In isn’t ideal but it doesn’t have any obvious unpleasant attributes like a flutter echo or boxy mids. It’s two rooms knocked through in a Victorian terrace. upper ground floor, no traffic noise, wood floor, high-ish ceiling, lots of rugs and soft furnishings in the front side and plenty of odd shapes to break up reflections without making it too dead. I’ve hit upon a mic set up of a close sm57 on the guitar (condensers let too much vocal spill through) and a nice valve condenser on the vocal about a foot away. Am working on getting the source sounding how I like without needing too much treatment. A big, actually, huge part of that for me was learning to sing quietly. I’m still working in it but the urge to add passion and character by hollering is hard to resist. I need to tho as for me anyway, it actually has the opposite effect.

  • Sounds good! Something that might be worth trying is hanging thick duvets/rugs/etc in a V shape directly behind you (and to the sides if you have enough) - should improve vocal clarity and might even kill enough back wall reflections to let you use a condenser on the guitar as well.
    I'd probably try and aim everything down the long axis if possible too.
