Thanks. Not too fussed about the exact benefits as I'm focussing more on my running and need something to keep my riding ticking over till I can race again.
One of the things I like about Trainerroad is that is has enough tiny variants of very similar workouts to keep me from going mad at repetition, while at the same time being a good way of fitting some structured training around the family/work.
On a side note, who is responsible for the names. What on earth is their inspiration?
On a side note, who is responsible for the names. What on earth is their inspiration?
Dunno but you can start by asking this guy:
I did one called Bondcliff or something last week. It might be a bit cx specific as it starts with a 30 second anaerobic burst, then settled into 14 minutes of sweetspot, repeated four times with a 4 min easy spin between intervals. Was surprisingly tough.