The house music thread prompted me to search for a thread on garage music, which proved fruitless, so I'm getting this moving.
I firmly believe that garage music was (is) one of the strongest artforms of the last 100 years.
I know a good number of people who are secretly seriously into their garage music but, like the non-metrosexual who mouisturises, is almost vehement never to admit this love for a music that still lives in the hearts and souls of many, perhaps more strongly than other music forms due to a percieved lonely, individual appreciation for it.
Like that teddy we all still have from our childhood that we wouldn't give up for the world, but would never allow friends/lovers to know about garage music has become an embarrasing secret many still carry. I want us to dust off our old collections, break off our shackles of social perception and announce to the world...
He's one of the most quotable people I know.
The house music thread prompted me to search for a thread on garage music, which proved fruitless, so I'm getting this moving.
I firmly believe that garage music was (is) one of the strongest artforms of the last 100 years.
I know a good number of people who are secretly seriously into their garage music but, like the non-metrosexual who mouisturises, is almost vehement never to admit this love for a music that still lives in the hearts and souls of many, perhaps more strongly than other music forms due to a percieved lonely, individual appreciation for it.
Like that teddy we all still have from our childhood that we wouldn't give up for the world, but would never allow friends/lovers to know about garage music has become an embarrasing secret many still carry. I want us to dust off our old collections, break off our shackles of social perception and announce to the world...