A great haul from going up into the loft this afternoon. I think I may have chucked the old old g-shock but popped a battery in this one and it's working fine. Gotta put batteries in the Boba Fett and Kahuna next.
What I'm really missing is the original Jurassic Park watch with the holographic T-Rex design on the dial. That's a toy watch I wish I could find.
I know @mattyc should appreciate the Kahuna......
A great haul from going up into the loft this afternoon. I think I may have chucked the old old g-shock but popped a battery in this one and it's working fine. Gotta put batteries in the Boba Fett and Kahuna next.
What I'm really missing is the original Jurassic Park watch with the holographic T-Rex design on the dial. That's a toy watch I wish I could find.
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