bastardised some motorbike pogies
Thoroughly recommend these. I bought some cheap bar mitts from China after losing loads of pairs of expensive gloves.
My hands tend not to get too cold if I'm working at a reasonable intensity, but I've had issues trundling around town at 8°C. Since fitting these (sometime around Christmas) I haven't worn gloves. Good in rain, good in the wet and if it was to get really cold you'd just need a thin pair of gloves underneath and can retain bar feel.
Surprised they haven't caught on, seeing as almost every motorised bike around London is equipped with a pair.
My hands have been getting increasingly colder of late.....I took a radical approach, and bastardised some motorbike pogies (£2, brand new from charity shop). On the Jones bars, they sort of work, by covering some of my hands, some of the time. On the drop bar sequoia however, they are superb! Loads of wiggle room, and actually took my gloves off for the last couple of hours of my last ride......
My old iPad has stopped uploading directly.....bollox. Tried again, and here they are....? Wierd