Me being a cheapskate and wanting to try fixed gear, I've decided to try and convert up a 130mm frame. Being a cheapskate meant that I bought a 120mm spaced track wheel.
Now I've washered up the wheel and everything on that aspect is fine. However I only have 7 and 8 mm of axle protruding from the dropouts. To obtain a more optimum chainline this could turn into something like 5 and 10mm.
The question is, is this enough to safely keep the wheel from falling out and a friction burn-y death?
Me being a cheapskate and wanting to try fixed gear, I've decided to try and convert up a 130mm frame. Being a cheapskate meant that I bought a 120mm spaced track wheel.
Now I've washered up the wheel and everything on that aspect is fine. However I only have 7 and 8 mm of axle protruding from the dropouts. To obtain a more optimum chainline this could turn into something like 5 and 10mm.
The question is, is this enough to safely keep the wheel from falling out and a friction burn-y death?
Kind regards