I have a Dualco grease gun (available from elsewhere) and a large tube of grease I load it with. It's been really great and feels indestructible.
I used a grease gun in a shop I was wrenching for. Now I tend to use a tub for most things and then I have a grease tube with one of those screw on gun heads for stuff like headset bearings and wheel bearings.
Don't use it very often so even though it's not a lot of grease it lasts a long time. Then I just replace the tube and refit the head. -
Thought about this once too. But fingers are fine and always readily available/haven't been lost in the clutter in my garage yet. Otherwise, I use a clean lolly stick or a disposable syringe with blunt needle for bearing races. Someone is bound to tell me about leachables from the plastic syringe that will come out into the grease and make it horrible and bad for the bike now.
Ooh that's it, but pricey though!
While we're all here: grease application tooleys.
I was thinking of buying a grease gun, but then I also saw tins of grease with a built-in brush. Anyone got opinions? I've used one tube of grease for the last 8 years and it's only just coming to an end. Smearing it on with a finger has always kind of worked...