It's not that big a deal to change the region settings but inevitably I forget to change them back and so on and it's annoying if it's saving via VBA
There are nearly always random commas in the data which is why I want to save as | delimited and find/replace won't work.
I found this macro which seems to do the job and isn't too slow (about 3 minutes for saving a 1m row, 13 column spreadsheet)
Sub DelimFile()
Open "C:\pipe.csv" For Output As 1 'Change this path
rowno = 1
colCount = Application.CountA(ActiveSheet.Rows(1))
While ActiveSheet.Cells(rowno, 1) <> ""
dataout = ""
For c = 1 To colCount
If c <> colCount Then
dataout = dataout & Trim(ActiveSheet.Cells(rowno, c)) & "|"
dataout = dataout & Trim(ActiveSheet.Cells(rowno, c))
End If
Next c
Print #1, dataout
rowno = rowno + 1
Close #1
End Sub
It's not that big a deal to change the region settings but inevitably I forget to change them back and so on and it's annoying if it's saving via VBA
There are nearly always random commas in the data which is why I want to save as | delimited and find/replace won't work.
I found this macro which seems to do the job and isn't too slow (about 3 minutes for saving a 1m row, 13 column spreadsheet)