• I guess your issue will be partly that those instances where drivers crash their cars into lamposts and everyone walks away fine won't be newsworthy.

  • It's quite possible that I might gain the wrong impression, but I'm not conducting anything scientific here, so I'm not imagining I'm reaching any reliable conclusions. :)

    Also, crashes into lampposts or trees are reportedly extremely rare--there are research papers on it. What I've seen so far is that most crashes into a narrow object at fairly high speed causes the vehicle to wrap itself around the obstacle and the usual protection against head-on crashes doesn't work. At lower speeds (no idea what the limit is), the car just comes to a halt, and when steering correction is still possible, this results in glancing blows.

    Again, that may all be bollocks.

  • A lot of (newer) lampposts are designed to break away from their bases when struck - that's why it's normally trees not lampposts that do the damage. There's some interesting info here if you want. (Of course you do - you're Oliver!)
