It's the 30 seconds at 150% at the beginning of each 95% set that's a killer.
Are you on the short power build too? Coming from a few seasons of slowly grinding out threshold/sweetspot intervals for TT's this high intensity stuff is challenging my sanity
Like you, my training over the last 18 months has been all about long sustained power at high percentages of FTP. Not for TT's for me, but for mountains. Now, trying to claw back my previous (and fairly good) Vo2 and anaerobic abilities has been horrific.
Nah I’m doing general power build. From taking a couple of months off structured training over November and December I want to get in shape for the North Road Hardriders at the end of Feb. I don’t mind the intense stuff tbh. Rest week this week though - so boring pootling along at 60% FTP!
Junction: 30 mins at 95% FTP then 48 microburst at 405w. Gross.