Looking to get my hands on a wiring centre to allow me to control 4 zone valves in the tidiest way possible.
I'd taken a look at the Heatmiser UH4 but it's targeted at 3/4 underfloor zones, 1/0 standard rad zones and the Hot water tank, whereas I will have 1 underfloor zone, 2 rad zones and the hot water tank.
Looking to get my hands on a wiring centre to allow me to control 4 zone valves in the tidiest way possible.
I'd taken a look at the Heatmiser UH4 but it's targeted at 3/4 underfloor zones, 1/0 standard rad zones and the Hot water tank, whereas I will have 1 underfloor zone, 2 rad zones and the hot water tank.
Any suggestions from the hive mind?