So a bit of an update on that light/adapter thing. The adapter vibrates quite a lot, I've ordered the Fouriers alu 1>2 gopro adapter to fit to the computer mount. Hopefully that'll improve things. I should note, the vibrations aren't obvious whilst looking at it, but the video afterwards is a bit shakey and jelly-like. Could pick out a car reg before, but not now.
The light was good the first time I used it, until I hit a pothole after a couple of hours and the light went off. Wouldn't turn back on. I assumed the battery had run out, but from some scientific testing later (switching the light on and whacking it on my hand/a table) a jolt would cause it to switch off and it wouldn't switch back on until the battery was completely removed and reseated.
I took it apart today and put it back together, did the bolts up nice and tight and couldn't get it to work at all. Undid the bolts and put it back together slightly less tightly and the light now seems to continue working regardless of how much I clonk it on the table. Will report back after (inevitably) riding straight through lots more potholes.
That looks sick. Link?