I'm planning a slab of 5m x 3m x 150mm some time in late spring / early summer, as the base for a garden office.
I'll probably go the lorry & pump route, as I can't be dealing with wheel-barrowing a couple of tonnes of hardcore, aggregate, sand and cement down a narrow pathway.
Won't be reinforcing with any steel though - fibre mesh at most, but only if advised by the people we're buying the office from.
I'm planning a slab of 5m x 3m x 150mm some time in late spring / early summer, as the base for a garden office.
I'll probably go the lorry & pump route, as I can't be dealing with wheel-barrowing a couple of tonnes of hardcore, aggregate, sand and cement down a narrow pathway.
Won't be reinforcing with any steel though - fibre mesh at most, but only if advised by the people we're buying the office from.