it's 50/34, 11-36 (don't judge me, it's windy and hilly up in Scotland!). X9 2.1 long cage mech.
assuming compatibility of indexing etc if using different groups those ratios should work fine together
If I shift from lowest gear up one nothing happens until I shift up a second one. If I shift from 3rd lowest to 2nd lowest nothing happens until I shift to the lowest. So it's not something that the barrell adjuster will fix.
sometimes cables that are not moving smoothly through cable housing (old - corroded or catching for whatever reason) can cause cable tension like issues -
equally if something is bent that would throw it off and not unusual for issues to be more apparent when changing from one sprocket than another - the fact that issue only arises when in big ring makes me wonder if its chainline issue maybe causing the problem...
assuming compatibility of indexing etc if using different groups those ratios should work fine together
sometimes cables that are not moving smoothly through cable housing (old - corroded or catching for whatever reason) can cause cable tension like issues -
equally if something is bent that would throw it off and not unusual for issues to be more apparent when changing from one sprocket than another - the fact that issue only arises when in big ring makes me wonder if its chainline issue maybe causing the problem...