Expired film would just be funky looking and not ever blank right?
Yup, absolutely. I don't want to cast aspersions on filmdev, as they're normally excellent, but my initial thoughts are that something went wrong at the dev stage. Either that or something was drastically wrong with the film ie missing emulsion ? Negs should help to inform anyway.
Speaking of wonky film, I've had the fabled Kodak TMAX backing paper problem where text from the backing paper is printed onto the film.
Luckily only noticed it on one shot from three rolls so far, and a busted shot anyway (a 5min exposure that didn't work out). Makes me nervous to shoot the remaining two rolls from the pack though
Thanks for all the kind words folks
Always takes me by surprise how much you can get out of B&W neg scans. I'll look at a set of scans and be disappointed, 5-10mins in Lightroom later and I'm pretty darn happy.
@PhilDAS I take it FilmDev didn't send the negs back ? Might be worth asking to see if you can get them and have a look ? If any kind of light is hitting the film, even if massively under exposed, you should get something.
Alternatively, Is the Olympus auto-wind ? I've had cameras in the past that have re-wound the film back into the cannister when they've been on the blink.