So, we did the house buying thing some months ago and it has a massively long garden for a terraced house here, ~19-20m.
So obviously the first thing I did was get down to designing the shed of my dreams. Gotta be big enough to work on bikes in, store a few of the excess ones, provide an area for planty stuff, with an adjoining greenhouse, while not being too massive and looking pretty.
Oh, and also we're going to turn the old shed into a chicken penthouse.
So, we did the house buying thing some months ago and it has a massively long garden for a terraced house here, ~19-20m.
So obviously the first thing I did was get down to designing the shed of my dreams. Gotta be big enough to work on bikes in, store a few of the excess ones, provide an area for planty stuff, with an adjoining greenhouse, while not being too massive and looking pretty.
Oh, and also we're going to turn the old shed into a chicken penthouse.