For the fixed, I asked in the FGTTB thread a while ago and got answers that suggested around 80-85GI. So, yeah, 75 is probably too small and maybe I should look at a 15t, but I'll start on 50 x 17 and see how I get on.
And for the lo-pro, are you srs? 57 x 11? The 11-up I can live with, but the plan was to share this Zipp wheel with another road bike, and it just happens to have a 12-23 block on. I went with 50 based on my road bike w. compact cranks. I kind of figured I can ride pretty much anywhere in the big ring across a 10-speed 12-25 (or could be 11-25) cassette on that, so 50 x (12-23) would be more-or less OK on this bike. Making the front ring 52 or 53 would be fine, but 57?!
Why such small gears? You need at least a 14t for the fixed and a 57t single with an 11 up for the lopro.