At the moment my telly isn't connected to an aerial or a freeview box or a cable / satellite box. My dvd player has Amazon prime, Netflix, YouTube, and iPlayer.
My laptop has Eurosport and iTunes. And if I really want it 4od.
What I want is one box, small, with a nice interface that will give me everything so I don't have a mass of cables and a laptop clubkily attached to my telly.
At the moment my telly isn't connected to an aerial or a freeview box or a cable / satellite box. My dvd player has Amazon prime, Netflix, YouTube, and iPlayer.
My laptop has Eurosport and iTunes. And if I really want it 4od.
What I want is one box, small, with a nice interface that will give me everything so I don't have a mass of cables and a laptop clubkily attached to my telly.