Run it as do everything.
Done a few relatively brisk club runs on it and some not so brisk messing about up hills and on gravel.
In reality I’ve barely experienced its potential myself yet as i’ve not really had the chance/fitness to ride it properly.
The beauty of what I have experienced is that I honestly believe it can do pretty much anything you’d want a non-mtb bike to do, and even a bit of mtb.
Cross - yup
Gravel - yup
Road - yup
Adventure - yupEtc etc
I have an UP you are more than welcome to have a play on
I’ve found it by far the most comfortable and practical bike I’ve ever owned and it’s not any noticably slower than a 6kg Felt FR FRD I was smashing around on in summer.
I also used it to solve my fat man with no bike problem, or at least im trying to although I’ve only managed to ride it 300km and I’m still getting fatter....