Hi there, I'm getting rid of a desk we designed for our studio. It's meant to go against the wall, sitting three, one on each edge. There's a central console raised for monitors and bits of storage. The cabling runs internally, with some lovely cnc'd details (we had the desk against a wall plug, leaving no visible cables).
I need it gone before the end of the week, it cost us a small fortune in materials but if there are no takers the likely destination will be the skip. Would someone want to save it first? As long as you arrange collection I'm happy to part with it for free, just hate the idea of throwing it away.
Dimensions are:
1700mm x 1400mm
700mm height + 150mm central console
Base is made of 20mm laminate plywood. It's nautical grade, not Ikea stuff.
Collection from London Fields area.
Hi there, I'm getting rid of a desk we designed for our studio. It's meant to go against the wall, sitting three, one on each edge. There's a central console raised for monitors and bits of storage. The cabling runs internally, with some lovely cnc'd details (we had the desk against a wall plug, leaving no visible cables).
I need it gone before the end of the week, it cost us a small fortune in materials but if there are no takers the likely destination will be the skip. Would someone want to save it first? As long as you arrange collection I'm happy to part with it for free, just hate the idea of throwing it away.
Dimensions are:
1700mm x 1400mm
700mm height + 150mm central console
Base is made of 20mm laminate plywood. It's nautical grade, not Ikea stuff.
Collection from London Fields area.
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