I’m in Glasgow! So yeah, could be big price differences but if it’s around that I’d pay it. I pass a cobbbler on my way to work so will give the boots a clean and pop in and ask.
Just wanted to know it wasn’t gonba be like £100 or something!
They are Clarks. Nothing fancy (more expensive than I remembered though, I must have got them in a sale) but I’ve worn them in now so they’re well comfy and bought them for going on honeymoon so bit of sentimental attachment to them.
Can anyone advise on a ball park figure for a resole with chunky, commando type sole for a pair of boots I have?
Love the boots but the sole is very flat so they are useless for hill walking, not sure if it's worth a resole or should I just look for new boots.
Edit, the boots are these, just in a different colour of leather,