Just doing a bit of googling, so you pay £100 odd quid for the USG and then another £70 odd quid for the Unifi Cloud Key dongle to control it. My question is why would they split it? Shouldn't bee USG come with the software to control it? Seems like a lot of money just so to get a nice UI to control your wireless network...
Am I missing something?
You can install the Controller software on your own PCs if you want to manage that separately... and then not bother buying the Cloud Key.
You can also control multiple networks, i.e. home + office, or 2 different office locations, using the one controller. So to bundle it makes no sense, it would increase the cost of the USG.
The Cloud Key is entirely optional. You don't need it if you want to manage the software separately.
Then again, you don't need the USG either. If you don't wish to use remote management and will only need to manage this stuff on-site, at home... then just buy an EdgeMax... same featureset pretty much, but with a local network website to manage it.
It's all still relevant.
The only thing changing amongst others I see buying stuff is that some people are opting for the UniFi Security Gateway https://www.ubnt.com/unifi-routing/usg/ instead of the EdgeMax.
The difference there is that the USG is designed to be 100% controlled by a Ubiquiti Controller, whereas the EdgeMax is really designed for "config via the intranet web portal or the command line". If you got a USG, you'd need to get a Unifi Cloud Key to be the Controller.
I still have exactly the stuff you mention, and I do not run a Controller.