• #20502
Not sure if it was about there being less traffic on the roads and drivers getting over-excited as a result, but I had two chumps to bestow with some salty oaths this morning. One close pass and immediate left turn and another pointless close pass squeezing me out the way. The latter driver must have problems with his neck as he couldn't do anything other than stare fixedly ahead when I passed him 20 seconds later and asked him what that was all about. At least the first guy had the decency to give me the finger.
And more evidence that smart car and BMW 4x4 drivers need an extended retest. -
• #20503
Had a good one today:
Me: you were too close, that's why I touched your car
Driver: I have been driving for a long time (this woman was maybe 35-40), I think I'd know if I was too close
Me: if I can touch your car that easily, you're too close
Driver: look I've been driving a long time I was never going to touch you, you shouldn't touch my car
Me: I felt you were too close so that's why I did it. I apologise but you're in a two tonne vehicle and I'm on a bike, I'm much more vulnerable than youBit of a heated debate but parted ways alright. Not sure she understood though. She has been driving a long time after all.
• #20504
Bit windy out. Had to clamber over a fallen tree. What larks.
• #20505
Nothing like cycling from east to west on a morning like this :/
• #20506
Anyone heading East for their commute this morning has got it made. Lovely big tail wind, I ran out of gears so just cruised in still going warp speed. Looks like the wind drops around 3pm so the journey home should be bearable. My sympathies to those heading the other way.
• #20507
It can be all sorts of stuff. Some of them are just a bunch of chemicals known to work well on ice. If you can see the salt bin it came from them most of the cheap/normal stuff looks brownish and clumps together, that one is the nearest to salt you will get, some of the better stuff will actually look white but that's more harsh chemicals.
I'd say with both brush as much of it off as you can then rinse well to remove the last of it, would be more worried about clothes it's on but that's just me.
• #20508
My sympathies
• #20509
Debated whether or not to cycle in, virtuously decided that I would - then got a puncture half way. Discovered I had forgotten my pitlock key and pushed my bike from Oxford Circus to Westminster. 0/10 for preparedness. 7/10 for quite a nice morning stroll.
• #20510
All headwind, all the time.
Quite disconcerting to have to push hard to maintain speed whilst riding downhill..
Roads were amazingly clear?
When does school start? Because there was a distinct lack of car aggro today. Hope it stays that way for the rest of the week... -
• #20511
On the SS tailwind just made me use fewer calories. Damn it, the universe is making me fat!
• #20512
Most schools start today / tomorrow.
East to west was brutal but just tucked up behind as many vehicles as possible. I presume the wind direction will change to the other way for the ride home..
• #20513
You need to leave the antipodean nest of west London.
• #20514
I think I only know one other Aussie in west London these days.
• #20515
Thornton Heath to Stoke Newington, 13 miles of relentless headwind. Coming up to the south side of the river on Blackfriars Bridge Rd I was in bottom gear and almost came to a stop, madness. Trip took me 15 longer than usual and I needed a lie-down when I finally got in.
• #20516
There’s loads down south west. There’s a cafe next door to my flat that sells Tim Tams for £5 a pack
• #20517
I have a cupboard full of them and Cherry Ripes after xmas.
Mostly Polish, Indian and old English where I live.
Think there was a big reduction in Aussies coming over when they changed the visa laws few years ago. Also younger Aussies are less afraid of Asia so more likely to travel there where stuff is cheap compared to here where... I dunno... it's quick and easy to leave England while still being close to nice countries :)
Oh, England is almost and English-speaking country so most Aussies can base themselves here and only have to learn half a new language.
• #20518
Well I think you’re all mad. I’d do the opposite if I hadn’t wasted my working visa doing fuck all. Can we get married?
• #20519
I'm already engaged but...
• #20520
Most schools start today / tomorrow.
State yes.
Private seem to be next week (Mon/Tue).
• #20521
Usual story though you live in one place for 20, 30 years and it gets boring. Plus NZ's weather is just as bad as the UK although Aussie is getting a bit erratic with its weather as well these days.
• #20522
Calling bullshit on NZ weather being as bad as the UK: the top of the North Island is tropical and quite lush. It does rain in Wellington all the time but generally the rain is warm. In the South the West Coast gets some apocalyptic rain, averaging 9 metres a years, but behind the Southern Alps in Otago its only 425mm a year, and a shit-ton of sunshine days. Also you can go skiiing all winter down South.
When it does rain boy does it rain though. I've never experienced rain like I did in the South on the West Coast and Fjordland
• #20523
lived in NZ for 30 years so I kinda know what it's like. The wind today is like a lite breeze compared to Wellingtons southerly.
• #20524
Well I lived there too. I’d take NZ’s weather on the UKs any day, Wellington apart. I mean it gets more biblical but generally it’s a lil brighter. Plus the air is so much cleaner.
• #20525
East to west really was a killer this morning, to the point where I had a banging headache when I'd finally got into work over an hour later. Not too bad on the way home though, I saw a Trabant in Peckham so my day has been made.
I think there is other stuff in there too. Sometimes stuff to keep it dry, anti caking agents and even molasses.