Despite apathy for last 3 months (no running or 5-a-side due to fkn-metatarsal) I've managed to stay at 94kg.
Aiming for 0.5kg/week descent to under 80kg (by late summer):-
Running starts again this week, build up to 30-40km a week
Back to 2 x 5-a-side a week
Cycling next week when daughter is back in school routine and I get my Monday's back
Swimming again too
Fasting again one or two days a week
No big running/swimming/cycling goal this year, although I'd like to get a Ride 100 place in the ballot, and will probably do Swim Serpentine 2 mile swim again.
Despite apathy for last 3 months (no running or 5-a-side due to fkn-metatarsal) I've managed to stay at 94kg.
Aiming for 0.5kg/week descent to under 80kg (by late summer):-
No big running/swimming/cycling goal this year, although I'd like to get a Ride 100 place in the ballot, and will probably do Swim Serpentine 2 mile swim again.