Entered the mersey roads 24hr and the break land cc 12hr. Noted the dates of the Farnborough 12hr, Welsh 12hr and the ecca 12hr. These are the only ones I could find. I also entered my first 100 on 19th May in Norfolk. Looking forward to it all already.
Same course AFAIK, Just that Farnborough and Camberley CC seem to be organising it. Not sure why, possibly because Rachael Elliott is now D2Z and Ian Greenstreet is AeroCoach.
Entered the mersey roads 24hr and the break land cc 12hr. Noted the dates of the Farnborough 12hr, Welsh 12hr and the ecca 12hr. These are the only ones I could find. I also entered my first 100 on 19th May in Norfolk. Looking forward to it all already.