Yes. Awesome, amazing animals. They sleep most of the day but are very active in the mornings and evenings. Ours would happily walk five miles on a lead. They're incredibly clever / cunning 'problem' solvers. Despite extensive countermeasures, they will find a way into almost anything. They're terrible thieves. Post, remote controls, keys will occasionally disappear if left unattended. They're very affectionate, playful, and substantially more attached to their people than cats. You can train them a bit like dogs, though they get distracted more easily. They will fight with anything - if they have an achilles heel it's that they're too fearless.
In my experience, Polecat rather than albino varieties do better as particularly those bred from working animals. Best to get them when they're kits but we had several adult adoptees that were wonderful, they just need a bit more time to get to know you. Girls tend to be smaller and more ornery - we had one that used to bite anyone not in the family that tried to pick her up. Big males are easiest.
Yes. Awesome, amazing animals. They sleep most of the day but are very active in the mornings and evenings. Ours would happily walk five miles on a lead. They're incredibly clever / cunning 'problem' solvers. Despite extensive countermeasures, they will find a way into almost anything. They're terrible thieves. Post, remote controls, keys will occasionally disappear if left unattended. They're very affectionate, playful, and substantially more attached to their people than cats. You can train them a bit like dogs, though they get distracted more easily. They will fight with anything - if they have an achilles heel it's that they're too fearless.
In my experience, Polecat rather than albino varieties do better as particularly those bred from working animals. Best to get them when they're kits but we had several adult adoptees that were wonderful, they just need a bit more time to get to know you. Girls tend to be smaller and more ornery - we had one that used to bite anyone not in the family that tried to pick her up. Big males are easiest.
Highly recommended