Sorry Corny, I didn't see where in your answer to Mike you mentioned years of slavery.
I understand your opinion about wanting to adhere to the definition of slavery, but that definition could be seen as outdated in this era. How would you define verbally abusing someone who is white and using their skin tone as an identifying criteria to your name calling?
I think it could be seen as outdated if racist attitudes and clear examples of racial discrimination in society had disappeared.
I don't think what Trevor Sinclair said is alright, and I don't think that comments or insults based on the colour of someone's skin are ever ok, but I don't think they have the same connotations when they're used against white people.
roboto in reply to @cornelius_blackfoot
Sorry Corny, I didn't see where in your answer to Mike you mentioned years of slavery.
I understand your opinion about wanting to adhere to the definition of slavery, but that definition could be seen as outdated in this era. How would you define verbally abusing someone who is white and using their skin tone as an identifying criteria to your name calling?
The US 13th Amendment, Prison Industrial complex, UK facts and stats regards the criminal justice system all say, "hai"....
also not wanting to drag this little part of the forum into racist definition waters but I can see where you're coming from and disagree with you.
Which is why in my answer to mike I did say simply put, you can't overturn centuries of slavery and discrimination because some black guys made off colour (no pun intended) remarks about your height and colour in relation to your sporting prowess, as outside of that sports arena, they were still going to be given short shrift and you weren't. If they were in control of all of your avenues of expression and chances to progress both socially and career wise and gave you shit for your height and your skin tone then you're into racist territory. In my opinion.