a lot of that comes from experiencing some sort of poverty, forcing you to be resourceful and make the most of what you have. I've noticed this quite a lot with my friends my age where we were kids in 1992, interest rates were sky high, mortgages were super expensive and all our parents were hella broke. a lot of us behave the same with our stuff (hoard/penny pinch) in the same sort of way war time people do/did.
it's markedly different to people I work with born in the 90s or have never experienced a point of literally having no money to live off. they simply don't do it and think it's crazy.
if anyone needs some lolly sticks, just let me know. got boxes full of them
My mother and hers before save every plastic vessel - wash it out and reuse (or just stash it away cos you never know etc). I cleared out her old caravan in Wales and there were butter tubs/yogurt pots -
crap that she had actually taken down there years previously and she insisted should be brought back home again. A lot of my generation and my kids consider this as some sort of mental 'wartime mentality'. That 'if you are not actively seen to be spending/consuming in quantities' then you are a loser/poor mindset.
See my guzzling big car third world cyclist.