I've been trying to reduce mine for ages too, it's hard work with all the shops geared around convenience. Often when shopping and seeing someone unbox stuff I've noticed something that's not in plastic has been in plastic to be transported to the shop then unboxed from the plastic to display to customers, most supermarkets use big cages when moving stuff by truck that they wrap in cling film for no noticeable reason. The worst I find are multipacks that are then inside individually wrapped so I try to buy bigger single thing and just portion it out myself(crisps and chocolates do this all the time). Bags I just use panniers or my rucksack, shop little and often(barely use our fridge, if it wasn't for flatmates could do away with it). I think another thing is planning how you will use stuff being able to plan across a few days to get down both food waste and plastic waste, convenience is the enemy lots of the time.
I've been trying to reduce mine for ages too, it's hard work with all the shops geared around convenience. Often when shopping and seeing someone unbox stuff I've noticed something that's not in plastic has been in plastic to be transported to the shop then unboxed from the plastic to display to customers, most supermarkets use big cages when moving stuff by truck that they wrap in cling film for no noticeable reason. The worst I find are multipacks that are then inside individually wrapped so I try to buy bigger single thing and just portion it out myself(crisps and chocolates do this all the time). Bags I just use panniers or my rucksack, shop little and often(barely use our fridge, if it wasn't for flatmates could do away with it). I think another thing is planning how you will use stuff being able to plan across a few days to get down both food waste and plastic waste, convenience is the enemy lots of the time.