I don’t normally go in on New Year resolutions but I’ve made a few this year.
One is to try and be more responsible with plastic waste.
So far the plan is:
I’m buying some re-usable packable tote bags to hopefully always use for shopping.
Try and buy stuff with less packaging on.
I’m fitting a water filter at home. Not going to buy any bottled water in 2018 if poss.
Not use plastic spoons, straws etc where possible.
I started the thread to get other ideas from people or hopefully make you think about your plastic waste in 2018.
Well tuned topic what with xmas etc crap.
Supermarkets/retailers need to get their acts together.
Free carrier bags have almost gone and no one has died/suffocated yet.
Perhaps watch out for overpriced 'artisanal' brown cardboard/paper packaging sold as a marketing device.
I don’t normally go in on New Year resolutions but I’ve made a few this year.
One is to try and be more responsible with plastic waste.
So far the plan is:
I’m buying some re-usable packable tote bags to hopefully always use for shopping.
Try and buy stuff with less packaging on.
I’m fitting a water filter at home. Not going to buy any bottled water in 2018 if poss.
Not use plastic spoons, straws etc where possible.
I started the thread to get other ideas from people or hopefully make you think about your plastic waste in 2018.
Happy New Year!