Moved to front page for a while... doing OK actually isn't a great place to be.
The best place is to have many small donors giving regularly. This means that were Wiggle / CRC to bail, or were some of those who donate larger amounts irregularly to stop doing so... then we'd be OK.
We're just around the break-even point at the moment... so it's not a problem. But being above that comfortably and able to lose Wiggle / CRC would be a far better place to be.
Moved to front page for a while... doing OK actually isn't a great place to be.
The best place is to have many small donors giving regularly. This means that were Wiggle / CRC to bail, or were some of those who donate larger amounts irregularly to stop doing so... then we'd be OK.
We're just around the break-even point at the moment... so it's not a problem. But being above that comfortably and able to lose Wiggle / CRC would be a far better place to be.