• #852
It would've been in the 49s if I wasn't stopped by a car at one of the RABs.
I like legit times though. In theory I could've claimed a 10mi PB a minute faster than I thought I went but I was sure it was a measuring error so I never claimed it until I beat it legitimately. It's only arbitrary numbers for my own satisfaction so no point of claiming illegitimate results.
• #853
Plus it's a goal that means I might take out the £££ superbike next year instead of letting it gather dust.
• #855
I'm not that old. Or that old.
"Project 69 - Dinner for 2"
• #856
‘Junction’ is not a fun session to do on a Saturday evening it turns out.
I seem to have a lag on the ERG on my trainer (Elite Direto). I read about this in the reviews, but is there anything you can do to accelerate the power build? When doing microbursts of 15 seconds, I spend the first 5 seconds building to the target power.
• #857
I have a free month to give away. Anyone interested?
• #858
How do you get free months?
• #859
Dunno. I think just by being a paying member for a period of time. It’s a recruitment tool for them.
• #860
Is it for noobs only?
• #861
• #862
I’ve another free month if anyone wants it. You have to be a new user (or have a previously unknown email address). PM if you want it.
• #863
I know turbo miles are a bit meaningless but when I use TrainerRoad I either get ridiculous speeds/miles (145kph+) or no reading at all depending on whether I'm using Ant+ or Bluetooth connection. Using a Turbo Muin B+ which recorded distance fine on Zwift.
Is this because Zwift works out an artificial speed/distance which is necessary for it's gameplay and TrainerRoad just doesn't bother?
• #864
ANT+ should be spitting out the speed, no?
Dunno if related. Can't see...
https://support.zwift.com/hc/en-us/articles/206622416-Resolved-Turbo-Muin-Smart-B-Gives-High-Readings -
• #865
anyone tried that new ramp test they're trialling out, rather than the standard 8 or 20 minute FTP test? looks a bit less painful and a bit shorter.
• #866
If it’s anything like a real ramp test, I doubt it would be any easier!
• #867
well, it's over more quickly and hopefully a little more repeatable.
• #868
I actually started reading up recently on if there was a TR ramp test. Now they release one.
I’ve never done a ramp test, but they don’t sound very pleasant. I would assume they eliminate some of the issues of pacing that come with the 8 and 20 min tests.
• #869
It's more enjoyable than the 8 minute test, and I ended up with very similar figures.
• #870
What percentage of MAP did you use to set FTP? Or does TR do it automatically?
• #871
The TR staff comment on your ride after a few hours of the ride with their algorithm's result.
• #872
From what I've been reading FTP is usually around 75-80% of MAP.
• #873
I’ll have to give it a go. Not sure when though as I’m following a plan.
• #874
I think part of the advantage is it's easier to squeeze a MAP test in amongst other work. It's likely to be around 30 TSS vs 80 for a FTP test.
• #875
Junction: 30 mins at 95% FTP then 48 microburst at 405w. Gross.
I prefer to push them around faster.