If you have a lot of stripping to do then you could invest in a Speedheater Cobra (Swedish version not US). It's been discussed at length in this thread and I think I'm right in saying that everyone who has taken the plunge got the job done with minimum hassle. There is also a Makita tool which strips large flat surfaces of paint making it useful for doors, but it's a pretty lethal tool.
I don't know anyone in London stripping them, the DIY method was a caustic soda bath which you can make with a ground sheets and bricks in the back garden, it has it's own problems though.
I got a 'speed-stripper 400' which looks less powerful but was only £50 and took a lot of the pain/mess/fumes/swearing out of stripping fixed woodwork. Still takes ages though, ugh.
There used to be a door stripper in Leytonstone, near the A12 end, this was a while back though.
If you have a lot of stripping to do then you could invest in a Speedheater Cobra (Swedish version not US). It's been discussed at length in this thread and I think I'm right in saying that everyone who has taken the plunge got the job done with minimum hassle. There is also a Makita tool which strips large flat surfaces of paint making it useful for doors, but it's a pretty lethal tool.
I don't know anyone in London stripping them, the DIY method was a caustic soda bath which you can make with a ground sheets and bricks in the back garden, it has it's own problems though.