Swarovski dogs medicore SFX
Vulptices (singular: vulptex) were a species of fox-like creatures that lived within burrows and tunnels beneath the surface of the salt-covered mineral planet of Crait. They were distinguished by their white, crystalline fur
"The theory is they've fed off this planet for so long that their fur has become crystalline. They've taken on the very surface of the planet they live on." ―Neil Scanlan
According to Neal Scanlan, the creature effects supervisor for The Last Jedi, feeding off Crait for a long time was the reason behind these foxes' crystalline fur. In this way, "they've taken on the very surface of the planet they live on."[9] The designers took inspiration from "crystal glass chandeliers and the sort of luminosity and elements of refraction" they create
Where to start?
Flying Leia (discussed many times earlier) - An ideal time to write out her character (given tragic real world circumstances), plus it complete the Empire/First Order/whatevs' blood letting of the Kylo Ren bloodline. Given that even full-blown Jedi cumple in a robey heap the second they come near a lightsabre, surviving then floating through space (albeit a little bit frostbitten), is pushing it a bit, even for SW
Swarovski dogs. Apart from their function in highlighting the escape route from the Rebel Base (#2), served no purpose other than show up ILM/Disney's medicore SFX that looked like they belonged in some gash low-rate fantasy movie.
Rose Tico's intervention in Finn's not-so-ultimate-sacrifice - Did I fall asleep where their love story developed to the point where she just had to prevent him killing himself in order to actually save everyone else. Selfish bitch. And what was the point of releasing all those animals?
Benicio del toro's character - don't even remember/care what his name was. Soon turned over on Finn and Rose, but why not include the scene where he's actually persuaded to betray them? Explain that shit! Let's see something about greed and the human condition.
Porgs- fuck off straight to the toy shops.
Ja Ja Binks could've showed up (unlikely) and I wouldn't have batted an eyelid.
Oh, and fuck right off with those intergalactic 1st-person phone calls, you haven't done it yet, so how can you do it now?
Other than that, yeah great film.
Loads up Rogue One