I had a fake SMP which split at the nose. Don't think I even noticed it for a week or so, certainly not a catastrophic failure. Suspect it would have been fine anyway, but built it up with fabric tape and glue and it's been fine since.
OTOH do you need a carbon saddle for track? Maybe just strip an SLR or something
I have a Chinese carbon saddle on my track bike! It's ones of those toupe copies. The part where the rails attach to the base of the nose of the saddle has come apart. Not entirely sure how it happened - maybe I hit a bump too hard when sitting towards the back of the saddle and that levered the front off?
In any case, its still ridable though, because the two rails themselves are still attached to each other. I think I'll just cover the whole area in epoxy and carry on.
Has anyone had a cheap carbon saddle fail? Thinking of trying one on my track bike but don't want to kill anyone at HHV