I've just bought a refurbished x230, it's got a 500GB HDD and I'm thinking about getting an mSATA drive to use as the primary drive with OS etc, and 500GB to store music and files and stuff.
Any recommendations? I'm thinking 128GB should be enough and believe the mSATA port is limited to SATA 2 speeds anyway, but should be an improvement over a regular drive still, right?
I've just bought a refurbished x230, it's got a 500GB HDD and I'm thinking about getting an mSATA drive to use as the primary drive with OS etc, and 500GB to store music and files and stuff.
Any recommendations? I'm thinking 128GB should be enough and believe the mSATA port is limited to SATA 2 speeds anyway, but should be an improvement over a regular drive still, right?