The Metropolitan police were 'incorrectly informed' the accident 'was
not life-threatening or life-changing' so did not refer the case to
its collision department for investigation, Fieldfisher claims. They
were therefore unable to prosecute the driver, but the police witness
report did confirm the driver 'should have seen' the cyclist. In
their defence statement, the lorry driver said he did not see her in
his mirror, as it was only positioned to show the nearside of the HGV.
Simply appalling, the law requires all HGVs to have mirrors which show the roadway in front of the driver. The police must prosecute in cases like this if we are ever going to reduce the danger from HGVs.
Simply appalling, the law requires all HGVs to have mirrors which show the roadway in front of the driver. The police must prosecute in cases like this if we are ever going to reduce the danger from HGVs.
Note: the photo from the original ES story shows the lorry turning right into Commercial Street not Commercial Road