Saw it over the weekend and had high hopes – left pretty let down. There were some good moments but overall it was pretty boring.
TFA was criticised for re-hashing ANH and ESB (which is fair enough), but it still totally felt like a Star Wars film, the camerawork and effects, while obviously CGd, still had some sort of charm to them. Remember how good that sequence was where the hi-jack the Falcon on Jakku and take out the Tie fighters while flying through that burnt out Star Destroyer?
I didn't find anything in this film reached this. There weren't enough lightsabers and what there was seemed somehow boring.
Overall far too many WTF moments:
Flying Leia. Already pointed out but still!
Snoke. Not enough back-story, finished off far too easily. Left us nothing there.
Kylo Ren. Bad. Good. Bad again. Bit quick to flip-flop.
Where were/Who are the Knights of Ren? Were they the guys dressed in red who all let each other get chopped down one after the other when Ren was a good guy for a few minutes?
Rey's parents. Dragged out for another film or are we satisfied they were just nobodies (in terms of the story)?
Use of the force in general, it's all over the place. Example that spring to mind: Yoda's ghost able to hit Luke with his stick
What was that whole casino planet bit about?! I'm sure everyone is a fan of Benicio del Toro but still.... was this the "Trump is evil" part?
Luke dusting off his shoulder (IMO most annoying of all the shit jokes)
Last scene, Harry Potter?
I'm sure there's more but that'll do. I've probably come across a bit more negative there than I mean to. I just really wanted it to be better as I felt TFA set the scene quite brilliantly.
Will give it another watch with family over Xmas, maybe it'll seem better on 2nd viewing.
Saw it over the weekend and had high hopes – left pretty let down. There were some good moments but overall it was pretty boring.
TFA was criticised for re-hashing ANH and ESB (which is fair enough), but it still totally felt like a Star Wars film, the camerawork and effects, while obviously CGd, still had some sort of charm to them. Remember how good that sequence was where the hi-jack the Falcon on Jakku and take out the Tie fighters while flying through that burnt out Star Destroyer?
I didn't find anything in this film reached this. There weren't enough lightsabers and what there was seemed somehow boring.
Overall far too many WTF moments:
I'm sure there's more but that'll do. I've probably come across a bit more negative there than I mean to. I just really wanted it to be better as I felt TFA set the scene quite brilliantly.
Will give it another watch with family over Xmas, maybe it'll seem better on 2nd viewing.