This crash happened over a year ago. Kieran Dix died on February 7.
The driver, who had passed his test three months before the crash, went through the give way sign at 37mph, didn't notice the cyclist crashing into the side of his car, and stopped 90 metres down the road because he had heard a noise.
He pleaded guilty to causing death by careless driving but was aquitted on the charge of causing death by dangerous driving after his defence barrister, Richard Onslow, reportedly told the jury "The Highway Code says that cyclist must wear brightly colour clothing but regrettably on this day Mr Dix was wearing black clothing." That is a clear mis-representation of the Highway Code and the law.
The crash happened at Ipley Cross in the New Forest. At the exact spot where Mark Brummell was killed in the same way in January 2013 as in that case the car was going west, towards the camera in this photo . Since March this year STOP signs have replaced the Give Way and there are rumble strips on the road leading up to the junction.
Yeah I posted this on the dangerous driver thread a couple of days ago. The defence comments really boil my piss, I assume he rewrote the Highway Code during the summing up. I hope the cps had the wit to point out that he a lying cunt but you know thats wishful thinking.
This crash happened over a year ago. Kieran Dix died on February 7.
The driver, who had passed his test three months before the crash, went through the give way sign at 37mph, didn't notice the cyclist crashing into the side of his car, and stopped 90 metres down the road because he had heard a noise.
He pleaded guilty to causing death by careless driving but was aquitted on the charge of causing death by dangerous driving after his defence barrister, Richard Onslow, reportedly told the jury "The Highway Code says that cyclist must wear brightly colour clothing but regrettably on this day Mr Dix was wearing black clothing." That is a clear mis-representation of the Highway Code and the law.
The crash happened at Ipley Cross in the New Forest. At the exact spot where Mark Brummell was killed in the same way in January 2013 as in that case the car was going west, towards the camera in this photo . Since March this year STOP signs have replaced the Give Way and there are rumble strips on the road leading up to the junction.