Seems like a good time to do an update. So very soon after getting the frame and getting the thing rolling, I landed myself in a full time job for the summer and time to work on this slipped away. It got about 200kms use but there were a few problems. The first, and most annoying, of these was to do with the headset adaptor (@dazzrie be warned...); it or the headset constantly slipped, meaning there was a lot of juddering and vibration at the front end. This would literally get noticeably as the ks passed. I also never quite got the gears indexed properly and the Chinese carbon post just slipped constantly, again meaning rides ended in excruciating pain, with the saddle like 15 degrees up.
I've also used the wheels on my everything-else road bike, so it's currently sitting around with no wheels receiving much less love than it deserves :(((. I think it's quite likely to hit classifieds soon, but if anyone wants to jump in for everything minus wheels (and I think a different saddle - will check) I'm all ears.
It feels like a shame to come this far then tap out, but my degree is piling so much work on me I just don't have time to be running back and forth between bike shops and test riding and doing diy stuff (i.e. do the frame justice).
Seems like a good time to do an update. So very soon after getting the frame and getting the thing rolling, I landed myself in a full time job for the summer and time to work on this slipped away. It got about 200kms use but there were a few problems. The first, and most annoying, of these was to do with the headset adaptor (@dazzrie be warned...); it or the headset constantly slipped, meaning there was a lot of juddering and vibration at the front end. This would literally get noticeably as the ks passed. I also never quite got the gears indexed properly and the Chinese carbon post just slipped constantly, again meaning rides ended in excruciating pain, with the saddle like 15 degrees up.
I've also used the wheels on my everything-else road bike, so it's currently sitting around with no wheels receiving much less love than it deserves :(((. I think it's quite likely to hit classifieds soon, but if anyone wants to jump in for everything minus wheels (and I think a different saddle - will check) I'm all ears.
It feels like a shame to come this far then tap out, but my degree is piling so much work on me I just don't have time to be running back and forth between bike shops and test riding and doing diy stuff (i.e. do the frame justice).