having to investigate lots of cases would be counter intuative and would surely lead to a change in threshold level
The trouble with changing the threshold level would be that dopers using 8mg a day orally for the anabolic effects might not get caught. If the urine test for people using permitted doses ranges from <300 to >3000ng/ml (>10:1 ratio), you can probably see why raising it significantly would cause problems when you're trying to catch people doping with only 5 times the permitted daily dose.
The trouble with changing the threshold level would be that dopers using 8mg a day orally for the anabolic effects might not get caught. If the urine test for people using permitted doses ranges from <300 to >3000ng/ml (>10:1 ratio), you can probably see why raising it significantly would cause problems when you're trying to catch people doping with only 5 times the permitted daily dose.