Going to Everest Base Camp in about a year and do a bit of winter stuff up here in Scotland. Grappling with choosing a sleeping bag that's comfortable to -13 or so. Seems that nothing synthetic matches down in terms of weight/warmth/pack size... although they do have the waterproofiness advantage.
Any one have any suggestions for something non-down? I might try to get a second-hand down one otherwise.
Edit: how ethical is ethical down? Am I better with natural/biodegradable down than synthetic stuff produced from oil? Apparently down has a lower carbon footprint? And so on... Just looking for random opinions basically.
You might get there if you combine it with a fleece liner and a outer layer.
Ethical down is just csr mumbo jumbo to me, just like ethical slaughter. However, down is hands down the best material, so I would look into second hand or borrowing - and stay out of sight from the vegan police
Going to Everest Base Camp in about a year and do a bit of winter stuff up here in Scotland. Grappling with choosing a sleeping bag that's comfortable to -13 or so. Seems that nothing synthetic matches down in terms of weight/warmth/pack size... although they do have the waterproofiness advantage.
Any one have any suggestions for something non-down? I might try to get a second-hand down one otherwise.
Edit: how ethical is ethical down? Am I better with natural/biodegradable down than synthetic stuff produced from oil? Apparently down has a lower carbon footprint? And so on... Just looking for random opinions basically.