So, after a massive hiatus, I started taking pictures again this week. All on Leica M6 and 35mm Summicron. Ilford HP5 in DD-x and scanned on an Epson V500. Dusty scans are dusty (any tips for minimising this welcome!) but isn't film great?
Regarding the dust I used to use antistatic cloths but nowadays I just try to keep my work area nice and clean and if there's some specks of dust I just use Photoshop's spot healing tool to be honest.
So, after a massive hiatus, I started taking pictures again this week. All on Leica M6 and 35mm Summicron. Ilford HP5 in DD-x and scanned on an Epson V500. Dusty scans are dusty (any tips for minimising this welcome!) but isn't film great?