• #2
@mostly_by_bike Yes 2Wheels Good in Stoke Newington have one on sale at the mo!
• #3
@mostly_by_bike It's not a Steamroller but Triton have tiny Cross Check framesets in orange for £249.99 which is a bit of a bargain really. https://www.tritoncycles.co.uk/frames-forks-c6/road-frames-c47/cross-check-frameset-p17171/s50820?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=surly-cross-check-frameset-size-42cm-colour-dream-tangerine-size-42cm-colour-dream-tangerine-fmsuc42o&utm_campaign=product%2Blisting%2Bads&cid=GBP&gclid=CjwKCAiAjanRBRByEiwAKGyjZXumbrrJ3-07c9vmSPAVo362_wZ0n6pCgLJX01DjN97dpji8KuDtIBoCeioQAvD_BwE
Does anybody have a 49cm Steamroller for sale?
From what I can see they seem to be fairly elusive, looking to do a fairly budget build for my gf and a new frame would really stretch the budget. Ideally frame and forks but to be honest beggers cant be choosers.