quiet roads, excepting the clusterfuck at Amwell St, until I got within 100 yards of my workplace aaaaand...
...a youth walked out from behind a Luton van to cross the road, not looking where he was going, headbutted me side on > I went over > he vanished > still seeing stars.
Anyone got a 27" front wheel going cheap (especially if it's a Weinmann concave from BITD, this one was obviously made of cheese)
quiet roads, excepting the clusterfuck at Amwell St, until I got within 100 yards of my workplace aaaaand...
...a youth walked out from behind a Luton van to cross the road, not looking where he was going, headbutted me side on > I went over > he vanished > still seeing stars.
Anyone got a 27" front wheel going cheap (especially if it's a Weinmann concave from BITD, this one was obviously made of cheese)